
Dr en Médecine, Dr ès Sciences

(Président de la Société Philomathique de Paris)


Warning: This theory is a modest contribution to the theory of particle physics. This theory is no "revealed truth" for colleagues who dedicated their live to this difficult topic. The use of the "affirmative" style is not the expression of a total absence of doubt or a giving up of the experimental method. Moreover, is it thus the reason for which I highlighted the essential principles of the Karl Popper's philosophy of sciences and were his rules better shared, we would not today be  there to finance theses and works on the strings' theory, the theory which takes place voluntarily out of the experimental field.
Today, the standard model contains a very large number of free parameters. It is incompatible with the general relativity and raises  quite a few other numerous questions. It bases itself on a scientific dogma promulgated by Yukawa in 1935: the strong interaction is not an electromagnetic interaction.
My proposition is based on the contesting of this dogma and I intend to fully apply the experimental method to demonstrate that Yukawa was wrong.
The most important result of this work is the precise prediction of the nuclear magnetic moments of the proton and the neutron.


Ne peut-on pas penser alors qu'il y a lieu dans la  théorie de la matière d'adjoindre des ondes aux corpuscules, la correspondance  entre les unes et les autres étant définie par des formules où la constante de Planck jouera le rôle essentiel ? Et si l'on parvient à établir cette correspondance entre ondes et corpuscules pour la matière, peut-être se révèlera-t-elle comme identique à celle qu'on doit admettre entre ondes et corpuscules pour la lumière. Et alors on aura atteint un très beau résultat ; on aura constitué une doctrine générale qui établira la même corrélation entre ondes et corpuscules, aussi bien dans le domaine de la lumière que dans celui de la matière.

Louis de Broglie


Bubbles theory is a theory of everything. This theory suggests that matter is geometrical form of light and that gravitational, weak and strong interactions are special forms of electromagnetic interactions. 

This theory is based on numerous experimental evidences and suggest several new hypothesis to explain these facts:

        - the origin of the curvature of the space

        - the size of particles in the nucleus 

        - the proton's charge radius 

        - the core/shell structure of the neutron

        - the distance nucleon/nucleon in the nucleus

        - the origin of the nucleons'spin

        - the magnetic moment of nucleons

        - the intensity of the strong interaction 

        - the origin of the instability of the neutron

        - the origin of the charge of the electron


Copyright : Benoît PRIEUR; Contact: bubblestheory at gmail.com