Anatomy of bubbles


Copyright Benoit Prieur Copyright Benoit Prieur
Electromagnetic fields of the bubble
Rotation of the bubble

Copyright Benoit Prieur Copyright Benoit Prieur
Dimension and partial charges of the wave
Progression of the wave

A bubble of light is a wave which has a cylindroïd form.
Its external radius is 1.32 fm. Its internal radius is 0.86 fm.
Its half-perimeter is 3.96 fm. Its energy is about 313 MeV (Mp/3).
This energy includes the mass of the bubble (Mp/2p)
and the energy of interaction of bubbles
The partial charges of both poles are negative (-1/6).
The partial charge of the core is positive (+1/3).
The maximum of the positive charge is located at the equatorial band.
The maximum of the negative charge is located at the centrum of poles.

Copyright : Benoît PRIEUR; Contact: bubblestheory at